Many times, people just like yourself wait too long to ask about bankruptcy. You can keep your house. You can keep your car. You can keep your personal belongings and your retirement savings. Call Beehive Advocates today and we can answer your questions.
When you are faced with overwhelming consumer debt and are receiving harassing collection calls, bankruptcy can stop the stress and confusion keeping you from living your daily life. Any stigma associated with bankruptcy no longer exists. Today many see filing for bankruptcy to be a wise and educated decision to use bankruptcy as a tool to regain your financial freedom.
Our law firm, Beehive Advocates, educates its clients about bankruptcy and keeps its clients informed throughout the bankruptcy process. Located in Salt Lake City, we represent clients in various communities throughout Utah, including Davis, Summit, Weber and Utah Counties. We will answer your bankruptcy questions and help you determine if bankruptcy is the right option for you.
Filing for bankruptcy may be the right choice if you are:
Beehive Advocates focuses on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Depending on whether you need to discharge your debt immediately or want to establish a debt reorganization plan to pay off the debt over a period of time, our dedicated bankruptcy lawyers will always stand by your side. With our assistance, you can be sure that the bankruptcy process will be complete and accurate, so you get your fresh start and regain your financial freedom.
To schedule a free initial consultation , call (801) 432-2975 or fill out our contact form today.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.